the is certenly something messed up with the presets, and I want some answers from support please. I have paid nearly 300,00 Euro for this!.
Some Presets that are listet with CPU consumption 1 eat up more cpu than some that are listet with 5. Then there are Presets where it says Polyphonie 1 that have at least a Polyphony of eight. And the other way round there are prestets where it says Polyphonie 6 or so that have only Polyphony of one.
For example there is a preset wich is called "Prophet Bass". In the Instrument column it says "CS 80 V" (below that preset there are some Prophet presets). Also that preset says Polyphony 1, but I can play it with at least 8 Voices.
Also many presets have crackles at the beginning of some notes.
This was definetly not the case with AF 1.0.
Please tell me a solution for this mess !!!