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Author Topic: Prospective KeyLab 49 buyer w/ questions  (Read 2952 times)


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Prospective KeyLab 49 buyer w/ questions
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:16:37 pm »
Hi everyone,

I need a new MIDI controller and the KeyLab looks like a nice one. I read a lot of the complaints and most of them seem to be focused on the software. I don't plan on even installing the software and I would probably just connect it though MIDI, not USB.

1. Has anyone used it like this or do you think this would be a good controller without the software?

I currently have an Oxygen 8 that I bought over 10 years ago and it's still holding up very well, quite surprisingly. However, I need something bigger and with more MIDI control. On the O8, I can go through a pattern of button and keys presses directly on the interface that will immediately remap a MIDI CC on one of the knobs. I've skimmed through the KeyLab manual and it sort of looks like this isn't possible on the KeyLab without the MIDI Control Center software.

2. Is this true or can you remap CCs without the software?

« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 06:03:38 pm by Pablo »

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Re: Prospective KeyLab 49 buyer w/ questions
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 03:21:39 am »
Hey Pablo,

By the software, do you mean the MIDI Control Center? If so, while it's not required to configure and operate the KeyLab, it's certainly a useful alternative approach.

If I press Edit, then the CC button, it brings up the CC for the last parameter I touched. I can scroll thru parameters with a knob, and use another to change the value. It's very possible to change the CC value of any pot or fader this way.

My last controller was an Axiom 61, which had fantastic keys but pretty crappy controllers, and editing the config was a huge pain w/o software. The KeyLab, once I got used to it, has proven to be much easier to tweak on the fly, and generally a lot more intuitive.

As far as your connection method...this was using a different synthesizer, but on my rig, I tested USB vs 5-pin DIN MIDI connections...and while there's slightly more jitter with the USB, it's got a faster response time than the 5-pin. And while playing ideas in, that's the crucial thing; I hate latency. Your mileage may vary, and mine might too, but I think it's a good idea to stay openminded about USB MIDI, which seems artificial but in a way is more efficient as it bypasses the PCI card. Plus, that saves your DIN port for if you get a hardware synth and want to directly control it with the KeyLab.


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Re: Prospective KeyLab 49 buyer w/ questions
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2014, 02:43:18 am »
Thanks for the reply.

I guess in question 1, I was referring to using it without the presets. In question 2, I was referring to the MIDI Control Center.

What do you mean by, "I can scroll thru parameters with a knob, and use another to change the value. It's very possible to change the CC value of any pot or fader this way."? If I understand you correctly, from the hardware interface it's possible to use the two encoders on the left and assign MIDI CCs to the bank of knobs without using the MIDI Control Center.

Thanks for the tips on the USB. I can use the USB port after looking at the specs again. I'm still on Snow Leopard and I was thinking that I needed at least Lion, but it doesn't look that way.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 02:49:31 am by Pablo »


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