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Author Topic: Sysex Dump Freezes MiniBrute?  (Read 1808 times)

Rufuss Sewell

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Sysex Dump Freezes MiniBrute?
« on: February 13, 2014, 10:04:36 am »
I'm trying to save and load patches for my Alesis Andromeda using the MiniBrute as my MIDI interface. Unfortunately the MiniBrute freezes anytime it is sent a Sysex message from either direction.

Is this just beyond the functionality of the MiniBrute?


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Re: Sysex Dump Freezes MiniBrute?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2014, 06:46:34 pm »
Foreign SYSEX is generally harmless (in that it won't overwrite the Mini's system data with junk from another synth) but a crash or freeze does not surprise me.

The MiniBrute is not (and cannot be used as) a USB MIDI interface. I've found that most gear that does not have a dedicated THRU jack won't pass SYSEX. Even some that have THRU won't do it.

Get a nice $10 USB to MIDI cable to go with your million dollar polysynth.


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