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Author Topic: Been waiting on a Keybed from Arturia for months  (Read 2434 times)


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Been waiting on a Keybed from Arturia for months
« on: December 18, 2013, 06:37:30 pm »
I feel like I've pestered every person I've spoken to possible, but nobody seems to have replied. I'm pretty patient with this, since I've been waiting since October time, but I need a replacement keybed! I'm in the UK and I was told they were being shipped from China to France, then there was a delay, then the person I was speaking to (David) just flat out stopped responding, despite well spaced and patiently timed prompts from myself to get an answer, whether that answer was "we still haven't got them, but they should be here by" or "we still don't know" rather than complete silence.

I've sadly to deal with a lot of customer services lately, and I'm just a bit sick and tired of politely nagging on about this issue. I have a broken keybed in my MiniBrute, and the only way to fix it back to its original state is to receive a replacement one. When will they be in stock, or are they in stock, and when can I get one sent to me, thank you!


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Re: Been waiting on a Keybed from Arturia for months
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2013, 11:26:47 pm »
I am saddened to say but welcome to the club.

I am in precisely your exact position, and I am really saddened to have this silence happen, particularly since I love my Mini and Microbrute so much.

It would be great if Bruno could at least give us people waiting for the replacement keybeds some heads-up on what to expect.

It would not be the end of the world (at least not mine!) if we learnt that the new keybeds were delayed and we had to wait X amount of time longer, but at least having an official reply would be massively better than this silence.


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Re: Been waiting on a Keybed from Arturia for months
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2013, 07:19:32 am »
that's really interesting that it's that serious of a problem for them to make an official statement.

i had a problem with a key when i first got it but i haven't had any keyboard issues after that.

i wonder if they will release a serial number range of potentially affected units


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Re: Been waiting on a Keybed from Arturia for months
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2013, 09:57:35 pm »
I admire them coming out & saying/admitting there's a problem but i won't be buying any more arturia products, not with their reputation so far. I was exited about the microbrute but i just don't trust the build quality now or the software compatibility. It's good but not that good.


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