I do believe that this is the problem with this key, as it is noisy, as a hard contact when hitting or releasing, but it still works.
The bumper is probably gone then, I would love to have a replacement.
I do have a user account, and I was able to register my MiniBrute's serial number without a problem.
However, whenever I would submit a ticket explaining the problem, it would not send a confirmation email to the address I provided, and it would not show up under "My Technical Support" instead only saying "You have no technical requests..."
I tried this with 3 different emails (at least).
I will try again and post again here if it does not work.
(EDIT: I did try to submit it again, and nothing came to my email nor did it show up under my account. Also, I noticed that I cannot modify my account, as to update my address.)
(EDIT #2: I WAS able to get a ticket through, by placing it under "NOPRODUCT." There seems to be a bug preventing me from asking support questions associated with my MiniBrute. Still unable to change address though. Thanks.)