I have just updated my V Collection2 to V3. The install appeared to have gone smoothly with all instruments available as Standalone/VSTi with one exception.
Jupiter 8V, now at version 2.5.3 (from ver 2.0.2) has a longer Release time (ampADSR) affecting all my own patches.
The LFO rise time also seems to have changed giving a longer rise/delay.
Also, when loading a project in Cubase 6.5.3 32bit it claims Jupiter 8V could not be found or is a missing instrument, even though it is available in the VST instrument list and shows in the 'Plug-in Information' list in of 'Devices'.
The missing instrument is shown as "Jupiter 8V2 Steinberg Media Tech' Cubase6.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\steinberg\Cubase6" directly under the Arturia JP8V.dll in the steinberg\Vstplugins entry.
So now I'm having to re-select JP8V as an instrument, then the patch from my saved presets and then adjust the release time and resave.
This behaviour is the same across two different laptops running W7 and Cubase 6.5.3.
Anyone else experienced this behaviour? Why only the JP8V2?
JP8V2 still appears to be the most temperamental instrument with issues that still need addressing in my opinion.
I want to use it but it doesn't inspire confidence.