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Author Topic: Just found a cap rattling around in my Minibrute, among other things.  (Read 3206 times)


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If the picture isn't clear enough, it's a very small capacitor that reads CS 47 16V. I've scanned the board multiple times and I don't see a place it could've popped out of. The feet also look like they've never been soldered to anything...

I also just so happened to be moving my minibrute to a table hoping to get a look at both my main and headphone out(the main has the jiggling problem, the headphone jack's plastic has simply crumbled to pieces ???) when I heard it rattling around.

Even better, the thin cord of my bundled power supply is also on life support, I have to wiggle it right and then not touch it or it will flicker the minibrute on and off. I know it's not hard to find a new 12V 1A psu, but why should I have to in the first place.

I've had this since January, when I felt lucky to have zero defects out of the box. Only in the last couple weeks/moments have these problems surfaced, all at once. I feel like I've bought a Minibrute with a timer on it. I've played a handful of shows with it, but it doesn't really get abused. What should I do? Return/Replace? Fix?


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Re: Just found a cap rattling around in my Minibrute, among other things.
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 03:10:41 pm »
I'd either contact support for advice, or contact your retailer for a return. I'd say it's worth getting a fresh Minibrute.

Weird that you have a "bonus" cap rattling around. Any strange audio issues?

It's likely that most Minibrutes have been perfect, but a select batch has been prone to weird breakages and issues. Seems like every production run of every product has this issue. I always get the gear built by the assembly worker with a hangover.


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Re: Just found a cap rattling around in my Minibrute, among other things.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 02:10:55 am »
I'm pretty sure it's a stray cap, because after I posted this, I reassembled the synth and it plays and sounds wonderful. I'm probably going to try to return it, because I don't want to wait for the main output jack to bite the dust.


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