How are you ? Fine I hope !
I have a question about the Spark LE Controller Bank Button ? 8~|
Section 3.4.2 Select and play a pattern. Page 17 of Quick Start Spark LE manual states.
To select and play a pattern, click the "Patt." button in the Sequencer zone, choose one
of the 16 patterns from the sequencer step buttons, and press the "Play/Pause button.
To select a pattern from a different bank, click the "Bank" button and select one of the
four banks ( A-D ).
Click "Patt." again and select a pattern as before. Your new selection will be highlighted.
After this step, whenever I select D button for bank D, after clicking "Bank" button, then
click the "Patt." to choose one of the 16 patterns in bank D with the sequencer step buttons.
The Bank button remains lit on Spark LE controller but, is out on software on computer ! 8~|
Is this normal feedback for Spark LE controller to display not like the software in this situation ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8~|
Strange !
One Love.
God Bless.
Learning for a lifetime. 8~|