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Author Topic: MIDI Control Center  (Read 8187 times)


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MIDI Control Center
« on: May 15, 2013, 06:58:24 pm »
This may be a make or break for this unit iMO.

has anyone had luck with running the MIDI Control Center while Fl STudio or any other DAW is open?


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Re: MIDI Control Center
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 12:08:03 pm »
midi control center is complicated at first, but it gets less and less messy the more i go in. Still trying to figure out why the global parameters can only be assigned to one channel. Is it possible to have eight pairs of rotary encoders on the MINILAB assigned to control volume and pan for eight separate channels within my DAW (FL STUDIO MOBILE) or in FL STUDIO 11 when working on mixing within projects?


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Re: MIDI Control Center
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2013, 04:21:50 pm »
midi control center is complicated at first, but it gets less and less messy the more i go in. Still trying to figure out why the global parameters can only be assigned to one channel. Is it possible to have eight pairs of rotary encoders on the MINILAB assigned to control volume and pan for eight separate channels within my DAW (FL STUDIO MOBILE) or in FL STUDIO 11 when working on mixing within projects?

I never used fruity loops, but I would think if you can map controls to the midilab then I see no reason why couldn't.

Make sure your midilab is on the correct midi preset (pads) so your knobs act how you set them up in MCC.
Then hold shift and select one of the keys (1-16) to select a midi channel. 
Maybe put your volume and pan controls on midi channel 16? And have each instrument on a seperate midi channel 1-15? 
So knob one of your volume setup should read something like. MidiCh 16 cc 1 etc. 
then switch back to a different midi channel ( 2 for example ) and assign the knobs pads etc to an instrument so the midi values read something like. Midi CH 2 cc 1 etc.
if you want to combine midi channels, like pads are on midi ch 3 and the knobs control midi ch 2 without switching between channels, you can make a new midi preset in MCC to do that. Just assign the different midi channels in MCC and save it to a preset.

Hope that helps


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