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Author Topic: CV MB w/ A4?  (Read 3833 times)


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CV MB w/ A4?
« on: June 16, 2013, 10:10:23 pm »
Hey guys, could really use input from anybody with this setup: I want to route my Minibrute to the cv channel of the Analog four. I have gone through the Elektron forums, talked to a helpful dude at Control Voltage in Portland and scoured forums and I cannot for the life of me figure out why the hell I can't get my minibrute to work when sequenced to the analog four. I have a quarter inch stereo cable splitter from the AB output of the A4 to dual mono cables to the gate and pitch inputs on the mb. Osc 1 on mb set to gate, the second set to pitch. I have checked and rechecked everything that other people have said to do for this and it still won't work. I have a gig coming up this month and spent 1100 and this stupid fucking elektron machine and can't get it to do what I need it to. Beyond frustrated. If anybody can help, plz plz hit me up! thnx.


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Re: CV MB w/ A4?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 08:23:58 am »
Hmm  don't find the link; so it's translate french to english

1) Connect your cable "CV AB" off the A4 to the "F VCO" (CV A) and "door" (CV B) entered the Dark Energy.
2) Select the "CV" track and go into the CV A CV configuration by pressing [FUNCTION] + [Osc 1 / CV A]
3) Change the CV type A "Pitch V / Oct." This output will control the height of the dark energy (VCO frequency).
4) On the "instrument" (the page with the picture of an audio jack) CV, make sure that the source ("SRC") track is set to "CV"
5) Go to the CV CV B configuration by pressing [FUNCTION] + [Osc 2 / CV B]
6) Change the type of CV B "Gate" or "Trig" (experimentation for best results with your keyboard)
7) Again, make sure that the source is "CV"

Use the CV dedicated track and the track FX sequence of two external analog synthesizers, for example, a Doepfer Dark Energy and Roland SH-101

1) Repeat steps as above, to connect the first synthesizer (Dark Energy)
2) For the second synthesizer (SH-101 in our example), go to the configuration CV CV C / D and C to change CV "Pitch V / Oct" and CV D "Gate" or "Trig"
3) On the CV C and D pages "instrument" CV, change the source ("SRC") tracks from "FX"
4) Connect the HP C "CV" input on the SH-101 and D CV to "Gate" input
5) Select the track "FX" and enter some TRIGS. (Press PLAY to ensure that the door is triggered, otherwise you may need to modify the / settings Gate Trig on the A4.)
6) Change the notes by pressing the "Note" button and lock the desired note value of each trig

Sequence of an external analog synthesizer (dark energy, again), the clock HS-101 arpeggiator, and trigger external battery module (TipTop BD808 bass drum, for example)

1) Repeat steps as above, to connect the first synthesizer (Dark Energy)
2) Go into the configuration CV CV C ([FUNCTION] + [Filters / CV C], while the CV track is highlighted, or access it by going to the options "Global") and change to a "trigger" Type
3) On the CV C "instrument", change the source ("SRC") track "FX"
4) Insert some TRIGS on the track "FX"
5) Connect the AC cable to the C "EXT IN" HS-101
6) Keep a few notes on the SH-101 and press Play on the A4 to ensure that ARP plays, otherwise adjust the length of trip or try to change the output of a type "Gate"
7) Go to the CV CV D configuration and change the type of output for this "Gate" or "Trig"
8) Since we used dedicated "CV" of the A4 and tracks "FX" must sacrifice a track internal synthesizer to trigger our analog module battery. Set the "SRC" on a track still used, for example, track 4 ("TR4").
9) Place a few TRIGS on track 4
10) Attach the cable to the CV D "Gate In" battery module BD808
11) Before you hit play, turn the volume all the way down track 4 for all TRIGS you put on this track will trigger the internal synthesizer channel

The "LIN value" CV type was not discussed, but it can be used for general functions of modulation voltage. For example, a triglyceride, the A4 can send 3.5V to modular quantization move the key, and then the next trip, send 2.0V to pass the quantum to another key.

"Value LIN" is a very flexible and configurable way, being able to output -10 to +10 V!

In addition to being able to send arbitrary tensions, the A4 has two dedicated CV ** envelopes and LFO for modulation of madness. If we wanted to, he could set the A4 with four "Value Lin" CV tracks and use with a modular synthesizer, indeed, eliminating the need for multiple dedicated hardware modules (sequencers, envelopes and LFO).
BLUMENTHAL say in Elektron forum:
[/size][/size]When you select CV A, or B, or C, or D, you can select its source track (1-4, FX, or CV). In other words, you could have a pattern playing in Track 1, and and use that same pattern as the source of CV A. In fact, you can have that track as the source of all 4 CV's, but it would make more sense to use the CV track as the source of one CV at least.
If you want to control two different synths, one of the obvious ways would be to use track 4, for example, as the source of CV A and B setup as pitch and gate, and track CV as the source of CV C and D, also set up for pitch and gate.


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