Hi there,
I'm having a number of issues with my Spark and Cubase. I am using Cubase LE 6.
1. If Cubase is running before I start the Spark program, the spark program is unable to connect to the Spark controller.
2. I am unable to export audio files from the Spark program if Cubase is running. The program just freezes on "Rendering Audio."
3. If I add a midi clip or audio clip to a track in Cubase, that clip plays on repeat forever. When I hit play, I hear the audio from the clip as long as the track is playing, despite only having one 2 second clip on the track. Also, if I delete the clip from the track entirely and hit play, the clip still plays on repeat despite not even being on the track at all.
There are a few more things, but I'm assuming any fixes to these 3 main issues might fix the rest. Thanks so much in advance for all your help.