i'm having some issues understanding how the cv works.
i'm using the minibrute to control my oberheim SEM pro. i have the pitch cv going out of the MB, and into the VCO pitch of the SEM; MB gate out, into SEM gate in. the SEM is 1v/octave. i have the MB's audio out routed through the SEM's filter.
when i play them together, it sounds to me like the minibrute is a full octave below the SEM. is this normal, or is there an issue with my synth? (other than the pitch issue, sending midi from my midi sequencer through MB and to SEM seems to work fine).
also, i've been trying to sequence both synths via cv from my Analog 4. pitch and gate are coming from analog 4 into minibrute, then pitch and gate out of minibrute into SEM. when i do this, the gate information makes it to the SEM, but the pitch does not (minibrute pitch follows the sequencer, but SEM just drones). pitch works fine when sequencing minibrute alone, and works fine when sequencing the SEM alone, but not together. is my minibrute not forwarding the pitch signal to the SEM? it works fine when i play the keyboard, just not when i use the sequencer.
please someone help me wrap my head around all of this. thanks in advance