OK, so you're almost there
If you simply changed the Mode of the transport buttons to MMC, the default values for the MMC commands are as follows:
STOP: 01 Stop
PLAY: 02 Play
FORWARD: 04 Fast Forward
REWIND: 05 Rewind
RECORD: 08 Record Ready (Record Pause)
LOOP: 09 Pause (there's no MMC Loop Command)
Some devices respond to MMC Record Pause then Play to go into recording (tracks should be armed first, of course).
I'm not sure about Cubase 6.
You might want to change the Command numbers (
Setup > 3/Num) as follows:
RECORD: 06 Record Strobe (Punch In)
LOOP: 07 Record Exit (Punch out)
Why the default transport settings are not MMC?
I don't know.
Different software can be set to respond to different controls. Again, not sure about Cubase 6.
Reset:Unless you used the Store function (
Setup > 7/Store) to save your changes in one of the 11 setup memories, it will go back to the default settings after power s turned off. Memory 00 is the one loaded by default on Power up and is preset for Analog Laboratory software.
If you have saved your changes, you can use the MIDI Control Center to restore the Default Values.