I just received my prophetV this morning.
Nothing to against about sound quality, it's really high quality.
Now, about emulation subject, something important is missing
in Prophet VS. (or I didn't find it, but I don't think so).
The wave numbers start at 32, and we can't access waves 0 to 31.
These waves are supposed to be user waves uploaded by the
user to the ProphetVS. They seemed "forget"this part.
Hope in a next version we will have this possibility.
In the manual I didn't see anything about this.
A user wave is supposed to be 128 samples of 12 bits.
What would be great in the next version it's they provide a
small wave editor which could from any existing wave,
edit this wave on screen, then produce a sysex file which
contains the 128 samples of 12 bits.
Then this sysex could be imported inside the prophetV, but could
be imported inside a real prophetVS too. :idea:
Then to be more faithfull to the real VS: chorus should be applied
to left, right or left+right, instead of always left+right (it's just a detail).