for the latest production we changed the reference of the potentiometers. The difference between the two is that the slopes are a bit different, but the range is still the same.
On the first units some people have noticed that at the end of both side, the value almost does not change. On the new reference, it's still the same range, but the firsts and lasts degrees are more effective.
If you check the following link , it's like we changed from 3B to 1B. It's not exactly the case, but it will give you a good idea.
http://lh3.ggpht.com/-G4FlsZdg7Bw/Tl08pTKcu7I/AAAAAAAABXY/vZ51RFL_XBo/s1600-h/volume-pot-taper-courtesy-alps5.pngSo that is to say that this behavior is normal. You still have a fully effective envelope amount, but value repartition is a bit wider.
Unfortunately we didn't updated the preset sheets according to this modification. It will be done soon, but now we have machines outside, with unmatched preset sheets.
Sorry to every user encountering this.... As soon as our sound designer has made the corrections we will publish updated PDF.
If you want to get the same sound as on the video, you will basically need to set filter env amount to the last but one silkscreening mark, and set resonance to 9 o'clock.
As a general rule of thumb, if on a preset sheet a pot is at Min, Max, or Center position, it will be the same.
If it's in the first half, you will have to lower it a bit, if it's in the second half, you will have to increase it a bit. the closer it's from Min or Max the more you will need to increase/decrease.
I hope it's understandable...