Just got mine today and so far am unable to use CV outs to control more than one voice simultaneously. Have four matched oscillators in Eurorack and that is why I decided on this keyboard, now struggling to get two to work. Loopop did a video on controlling the Subharmonicon with a keyboard split using the KeyStep Pro, and am trying to do the same. In this patch, you can see that Voice 1 is outputting pitch and gate to the first oscillator. OK, that works. But when you have Voice 2 outputting pitch to the second oscillator, it doesn't respond properly. I can only get Voice 2 to output pitch properly when I also output a gate from Voice 2, but there is only one envelope to be shared. Same issue on my Eurorack as the Subharmonicon. Is there a downgrade that works? I started with 1.37, that had this issue, 2.01 didn't solve it.