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Author Topic: Keylab 49 Essential setup issue - please help  (Read 2721 times)


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Keylab 49 Essential setup issue - please help
« on: November 27, 2019, 04:41:15 am »

I'm a rookie here, so be gentle, but having a major setup issue.  I bought KLE-49 and followed all setup instructions, including register, etc...now I'm ready to use it, I think. The only problem is, even after downloading/setting up the MIDI control center and the Analog Lab (and a couple other software included), I cannot seem to get any sound of the actual keyboard.  If I click the mouse on a key in the Analog Lab 4 software, it will make sounds, but the keyboard itself won't.  It lights up and I can toggle between some maps and when I move sliders, they light up on the MIDI control center software.  Any thoughts on how to actually get sound out of this?  I am brand new to all of this...I literally just bought a scarlet focusrite studio package and haven't decided what DAW I want to use.  I'm more a guitar/vocalist, but wanting to create/add all kinds of sounds to my songs.  I honestly had hoped there would have been some type of tutorial that would have helped me better.  I've been reading the manuals, but apparently am too stupid to understand how to get sounds from the keyboard to the actual speakers.  I've even removed the scarlet focusrite and gone directly to the computer.  All other sounds work, just not the keyboard.  One last piece of info that I found "red flag"ish...when I first setup the MIDI control center it could not detect my firmware.  The keyboard lit up but it kept saying it couldn't find the device.  The cable provided with the product has a fat square around it and hard to reach the connector, so it was touchy, but it seemed to work.  No matter what, I couldn't get it to detect though, so I tried a second cable I had.  Same issue (and I know that cable works fine).  Finally, I used a third cable and it was able to update firmware appropriately.  I only bring this up because I'm wondering if there is just a defect with the keyboard itself?  I'm hopefully that this is just a rookie user error and would happy take any online beatings from you experts if it means I'll actually be able to use this thing.  Please help...and thanks in advance!


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Re: Keylab 49 Essential setup issue - please help
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2019, 01:33:37 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Have you done what you can read in Analog Labs manual section "2.2. Initial setup for Standalone Use"?
You have to tell any software to use your hardware controller. Can you post a screenshot of your audio and midi settings window?

Which MIDI channel do you use? If you aren't on MIDI ch 1, then you might not hear sound, because of the default settings.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 06:14:01 pm by LBH »


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Re: Keylab 49 Essential setup issue - please help
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2019, 06:52:16 pm »
I have read it and tried configuring multiple ways with no luck.  Currently, I have it as follows (see below).  What's interesting is even after I select MIDI Device KLE49, the next time I open the settings, the blue box is gone and nothing is selected. I have analog lab pointed at my asio/focusrite, which works fine for everything else.  I don't know if there is something else I'm supposed to do in MIDI controller (see screenshot of that too)....or if there is something I'm suppose to do on the actual keyboard itself


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Re: Keylab 49 Essential setup issue - please help
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2019, 07:38:08 pm »
I don't see any screenshots.

But if the (blue) marking disapear, then that might be the culprit. The controller shall be selected, when you open Analog Lab, if you have selected it before.

I don't have an Arturia controller, but i believe the keyboard should wrok in any mode, as long as you send on a Midi channel the sound in the software work on, like Midi ch 1.

Perhaps Analog Labs Standalone pref file is corrupt, if the setting vanish. You can try to un-install and reinstall Analog Lab.

Also i forgot this:
One last piece of info that I found "red flag"ish...when I first setup the MIDI control center it could not detect my firmware.  The keyboard lit up but it kept saying it couldn't find the device. 
This sound strange to me.  But i don't understand, you could select the controller in Analog Lab, if it is'nt recognized.
Perhaps it's best, if you contact Arturia support through your account. I don't have a Arturia controller yet.


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Re: Keylab 49 Essential setup issue - please help
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2023, 06:14:39 pm »
I solved it by installing both of lab4 and lab5,and run lab4 once


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