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Author Topic: license synchronization failed plugins on external hard drive. Plugins on demo  (Read 4652 times)


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I'm new to this so I am sorry if I am not posting this in the right place. I recently got my first ever Arturia plugins (FX Collection 2, Pigments and V Collection 8). I am having LOTS of issues as the plugins keep saying that they're not activated on my computer when they actually are according to my Arturia account on the website.
First I installed them on my Mac but as I had too little space on my main system after the installation I moved the resources folder location to my LaCie external hard drive. When I have them installed on my Mac everything worked but when I moved them to the external hard drive (an Arturia alias folder is in my Mac while the original is in the external hard drive, audio units and VST files are on Mac) the plugins are suddenly on demo mode and I can't activate the licenses because it just does not work. ASC crashes all the time saying license sync failed and when I try to activate it from Logic Pro X it says failed to sign in all the time.
I don't know what to do I'm literally losing my mind. Please help. I contacted tech support several times and nothing they suggest actually work. Thank you guys.


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Why don't you tell what you have tried? Perhaps i just suggest the same as Arturia support allready have done.

Did you follow this guide: https://support.arturia.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405741448850-Customize-your-resource-folder-location - when you moved the resource folder?

Imho it's allways best to install directly to the correct locations.

You say something about failed to log in. Is that into Arturia Software Center (ASC)?


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i am also having these SAME issue. Its very frustrating. Like you i have v-collection activated on my computer in my account on the arturia website. For me, after i updated all my plug-ins in ASC when i launched the VSTs in logic X. they all run in demo mode and say i need to authenticate. BANANAS!


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i am also having these SAME issue. Its very frustrating. Like you i have v-collection activated on my computer in my account on the arturia website. For me, after i updated all my plug-ins in ASC when i launched the VSTs in logic X. they all run in demo mode and say i need to authenticate. BANANAS!
This validation error i am also getting, do you have any workaround for this?


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I've the same problem. In past all was ok, after the update of the Software Center, first it doesn't recognize the old install and now it refuses to install again on external drive and after it reinstall on the local drive gives license error.
I'm blocked now...

Gustavo Sciano

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Tested on MacOS 12.6

Hi there,

1) Fully uninstall ASC and Arturia VST/Plugin
2) Install ASC to the standard "Library/Arturia" and log in to your account then close the app
3) Open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" -> "Privacy" -> "Full Disk Access". Now unlock mod in the lower left corner and allow "Arturia Software Center" & "ArturiaSoftwareCenterAgent"
4) Open ASC and change the resources folder as you would normally do to your favourite location. This time, the ASC won't crash and ask again for your credentials.
5) In the ASC install all the VST & plugin
6) Some VST could eventually pause the download at 100% so don't close the ASC or try to replay download button
7) Open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" -> "Privacy" -> "Full Disk Access". Unlock again the mod button. This time, allow "com.Arturia.InstallHelper". Then manually allow VST by clicking on the "+" button and browsing to the App location eg. "Applications/Arturia/Analog Lab V".
8) After having manually allowed all Arturia VST, go to the already opened ASC and click on the Paused "Downloading"
9) Everything now will completely be installed on the external SSD or whatever you choose
10) Before testing any VST/plugin, go to "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" -> "Privacy" -> "Full Disk Access". In the list, you will see a duplicate of every VST you installed. The former will result already allowed in the previous step, the latter requires to be allowed on this step. Allow those remaining duplicates and close "System Preferences".
11) ENJOY  :)

The screens herewith attached show what needs to be allowed to have everything properly working!


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