I'm on Windows 10, Studio One 3. Novation SL MK2 controller as generic controller.
When i use ALVs own midi CC config, then it works.
But when i use Studio Ones Control Link it's quite complicated. It's a Studio One system.
I assume you use Control Link.
I can't get anything to work, when i assign the parameters directly on the ALV GUI using the Control Link assigment arrow to link a hardware control assigned for Control Link with a ALV knob i activate with my mouse. I can create the link, but it does'nt work.
The strange thing is, that if i click on a MACRO knob in the sidepanel, then it work. But the problem is, that when it's single presets (and if it work what it not allways do), then the parameter you control is a P1 parameter. When you are in a Multi then you get the combined (ALV) macro parameter that work for both parts.
I can also assign a Control Link assigned hardware control to Studio Ones Control Link own Macro controls and then in some cases get something to work.
I can ie assing the part 1 and 2 automation parameters to a Control Link macro and then it will work. That could be P1 Brightness and P2 Brightness. But i can't assign the parameter Brigtness that should work for both parts to work, when i use a single ALV preset. In a multi preset i can.
To get Control Link to work as i think it should, then also the single presets macros should be controlled by the combined ALV macro parameter and not the P1.
As it is you need to have one assigment for single presets and one for multi presets, when using Control Link.
And you shall either use the sidepanel Macro knobs or Studio Ones own Macro Control to assigne your hardware knobs assigned for Control Link.
As it is it's simpler to use midi CC in ALV, but the problem is, that controls assigned for midi CC can't be used for normal midi CC. I guess this also is a Studio One problem.
It did'nt had to be that complicated.
BTW: Also i often exsperience issues, where things stop to work, when i change the parameters the controls on the ALV GUI shall control.
That's bad.
I don't know if Studio One 5s Control Link is better than in my Studio One 3.
I hope something will be be done to make all this better.
EDIT: I forgot - , If you first assign a midi CC to the ALV Macros (MIDI CONFIG), then you can use Control Link assigned controls to control the MIDI parameter that correspond to those midi CCs. That at least make it possible to use the same hardware knob for both singles and multipresets, even when using controls assigned for Control Link. It does'nt change it should be possible without using midi CC though. EDIT END.