I'm getting to grips with using the Modular V in Reaper. I feel I'm about ask for something really simple, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for (probably using the wrong search terms).
End result: I imagine being able to have all 9 oscillators controlled/sequenced by 9 midi tracks in the DAW. Both the pitch and automated modulations.
It might be that the pitch needs to be controlled through FM modulation, and I'll need a trigger/gate signal set up within the modular.
I think I'm looking for ways to control Modular V parameters through midi notes. I know I can control them through automation also, and would be looking to do both once I've worked out how to control pitch.
*** EDIT: I seem to be able to achieve the pitch control via the 'accord' (coarse frequency control). If I could route the midi notes to each one from individual tracks that would be great
Any pointers welcome.
This is'nt simple.
Modular V is'nt multitimbral.
Do you know of any plugin where each seperate OSC can recieve midi notes on a seperate midi channel? i don't.
The following is your possibilities:
Modular V have 4 Keyfollows. Each Keyfollow can be set to cover a certain note range. This can be used to make some kind of split the keyboard.
You will have to spend some time to learn to use the Keyfollow section. I will not say it's easy, as it's not straight forward. I doubt this is what you are looking for.
The only way to control pitch for each OSC from your DAW is to usea Automation of each OSCs pitch. But still you can not trigger each OSC seperately.
You can use automation to control the volume for each OSC. So you can control volume for each note you send. Don't know how that will work. It will also be a lot of automation work.
Also you do have the option to use multiple Modular V instances.
EDIT: The factory preset "Speciel Force" is an example in using Modulars internal sequencer to trigger the 3 driver sections with seperate sequences.
This also require you spend some time to learn to do. But perhaps it can be useful to you.
Notice the different yellow S values in the lower right display of the drivers. EDIT END.