Just started with a new KS37. The arpeggiator (using the HOLD function) does not continue to the end of its pattern if I press a key or set of keys. It starts the new pattern immediately at next beat. I don't think this is a bug...
However, I've used an original Keystep for years and the arpeggiator finishes the pattern it is on and then begins the new pattern, i.e. I arp a chord and press the second chord I want to hear anytime within the last pattern of the first chord. When the first pattern finishes, the second begins. This is the basis of using a Keystep for me. I do a LOT of arpeggiations.
I can only assume there is some setting in the MIDI Control Center, but I have had no luck. Is it possible I am not using the MCC correctly? I hope this has an easy solution because, otherwise, all the other features I am so excited about in the KS37 will have no use. Thanks for any help.