Thanks for doing this. I rather like some of these sounds. I am adding them to my collection now, one by one. This exercise has triggered a couple of questions...
1. Since the software puts all the presets in one bank, User, why not allow selection of multiple files for import using SHIFT and CTRL?
2. I notice that some of your presets are 'liked'. Does this mean that when sharing presets the 'Like' setting is always retained, even though it is a matter of the taste of the person who saved the file?
It seems odd that if you export a preset and then later import it, a new bank is created with the name oldbankname_1/2/3 etc, incrementing each time, but I guess this might help in keeping track of things. Anyway, I discovered it is very easy to move (not copy) presets between banks by changing the Bank selection in the top right panel of the library view. This function is smart enough to prevent you overwriting an existing preset of the same name.