ANALOG LAB vst2 in track 1 and set it to Channel 10 (which is the pads)
and on track 2, another ANALOG LAB vst2 and set it to Channel 1 (for the keyboard)
Sure, but that's only possible in USER mode
So, maybe I didn't explain myself properly the 1st and 2nd time:
As soon as
you use USER mode, you loose all the Analog Lab functionality of controlling the preset filtering and selecting, because
the browse control section becomes inactive on the KL Essential.
I'm able to do whatever I need in USER mode but need to use the GUI (mouse/arrow keys+ENTER) for preset browsing... but doing it this way, what's the point of using a Key Lab if I'm going to loose the tight hardware integration between the controller and the Analog Lab (or any of the VCollection instruments) ?
The other KeyLabs (non-Essential ones) all have the Pads on Channel 10 while in Analog Lab mode.
The KeyLab essential doesn't and that's exactly what I'm pointing out here
I'd like to use the KL Essential (in Analog Lab) to control the Analog Lab 4 VST while using the PADs to play another VST.
I can do this in USER mode but I loose AL4's preset navigation and category filtering.