Hi! This has probably been talked to death here, but I'm a newbie. So come on, be nice
I am trying to put all my sounds with motion, i.e. sequences and Duo-Split voices in the top right 4 quadrants; then all my lead sounds in bottom far-left quadrant; all my basses in the quadrant next to that; drone sounds next to that; paraphonic sounds next to that. It's looking all lovely on the map I drew out and on the spreadsheet I created on my computer. But then the actual logistics of DOING this has me going bananas. Literally.
I was moving some paraphonic sounds to the bottom right EMPTY slots, no problem. But then started to move a couple to the line above AND I ACCIDENTALLY KILLED THE 'BABY MAKING BASS' AND THE 'WIDE BODY BASS' voices.
So If I move one to another slot, I need to make certain that it's empty first. So I am moving x to get to y to make room for z. It's crazy, and now I feel like a literal banana.
So, I know it's probably been talked about to death here, but is there an EASY way to move all my sounds into a geography that I can work with.
Thanks in advance!