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Author Topic: Play From Step Feature  (Read 1273 times)


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Play From Step Feature
« on: September 14, 2020, 03:57:26 am »
I'd love to have the ability to play a sequence from a certain step (not just from the start or resuming from where you have paused).

Example Use Case
Say you have a 64 step sequence and you want to step edit and tweak one of the last steps in the sequence, it is cumbersome to wait for the whole sequence to play through in order to hear how it sounds.

It would be so helpful to be able to cue the sequence to play from a step leading up to that note you are editing.

This is especially true if you have:
- a low tempo sequence
- less than 100% randomness (probability) applied
- you enjoy step editing and being very nuanced

Implementation Ideas
- 16/32/48/64 button combined with play button (to play from the start of step 1, 17, 33, 49)
- Holding down a step and pressing play
- Using shift and the main menu rotary encoder to move the sequencer play head forward and backward

Well done to the Arturia team, you have done an amazing job on the KSP.

Andrew Henderson

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Re: Play From Step Feature
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2020, 05:45:16 am »
This is a must and would be such a workflow enhancement, to the end user.

I too feel your pain and I'm sure all of us do, when you are wanting to edit steps on the fourth page, but have to play the three previous, before you can get to it.

The same goes for chaining, since we can only have 16 patterns in a chain, it would be nice to be able to choose which page, from which pattern to include in a chain, for more variation, so we aren't stuck having to use all four pages tied to a pattern.  Being able to separate and play a particular page only, would be beneficial to this use case, as well.


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Re: Play From Step Feature
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2021, 05:29:53 am »
Minibrute 2s has a good brief implementation of it,  but you have to actively hold the two steps to start and end with, respectively of course, which is good for performing kind of like a selective looper.


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Re: Play From Step Feature
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2021, 02:47:03 pm »
>it is cumbersome to wait for the whole sequence to play through in order to hear how it sounds.

I just posted about this in a feature request yesterday. If we had the ability to hear a step by pressing on the step itself then we could edit the content of that step without running the sequence. It is such a needed feature!


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Re: Play From Step Feature
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2021, 03:03:35 pm »
My apologies. I did see your post but misunderstood its intent. Yesterday's post was about hearing a single step as I understood it, so I assumed a different and new request. I have been on the hunt for this feature since I bought the KSP. Hence, there is an earlier post I made in the KSP General Discussion requesting how to do an A-B Repeat Loop. All in the the same vein eventually, I assume.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2021, 03:18:14 pm by Asobe »


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