I would be thrilled with 4 pages of matrix arp. 16x 1/16th notes is one measure, 32 steps is very nice for music because it is 2x measures, lets you do a variation to your pattern.
There’d be a UI issue of what happens when your pattern advances to the other pages, does it follow? Ignore it and stay on the page? Blink the page light to show which page it’s on?
Yeah, I often find myself using up a precious LFO just to trick the Matrix Arp into sounding like it's a longer pattern than it actually is. A 16 step pattern can get repetitive very quickly, even when changing chords a lot.
I agree with your idea of having the currently playing page light blink (rather than turning pages automatically) ... so you can edit the Arp while it plays, without it switching pages on you.
Also, thanks for discussing the actual topic of this thread. It's refreshing.