This is after 1-2 hours with the Microfreak.
Just updated to 2_0_3_657.
I use FL studio and try to add this little thingy to my larger setup.
I know FL isn't a top shelf DAW, but I like it and I know how to get around with it.
So here's the issue.
Microfreak is set to receive MIDI and clock sync from FL via PORT 4 on channel 1.
When FL starts to play the WAVE value on Microfreak always jumps to 58 (or so).
I did this on an empty project.
This happens for all presets I tested so far.
I can get over the wave being set to cc10.
I can even get over the sequences starting randomly.
But this is pretty silly.
(I did manage to bypass this by assigning a knob in FL for cc10 and tweeking it a bit)... that seems to calm it down.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Please let me know if you think I'm doing something wrong.