So I've looked all over trying to fix this. Some folks have had similar issues and it seems like the consensus is that the Jup-8 V3 is super buggy and it's not being fixed. But on the off chance anyone can help me, here's what I've got going on. I'm using a Keylab Essential 49 with the Jup-8 plugin via Analog Lab / V Collection in Logic Pro X.
When playing back my Jupiter track (which is just simple chords), all the keys in the piano roll are lighting up. It starts out just fine, but as the song goes on, it's almost like the Jup gets "tired" and starts hitting fewer and fewer notes in each chord, until eventually it is seemingly picking and playing back one random note from each chord.
On top of this, the sound quality of the notes starts to suffer. The timbre changes wildly, almost like some of them are super compressed. The attack value seems to change and things are muffled. And it all varies. The full sound of the synth is definitely not coming through. ***this happens in both Analog Lab and using the standalone instrument, not just in Logic. The first few notes will be great, and then the quality starts to go downhill.
Has anyone else experienced this? Or if there is already a fix in the forum, I would love a link because I can't find it.