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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: MIDI CC non-standard mapping - why?  (Read 1422 times)


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MIDI CC non-standard mapping - why?
« on: April 28, 2020, 10:20:25 pm »
Three days with my new Microfreak, trying to use it with my Cubase DAW and Yamaha MX synth... and I find that Arturia designers chose to remap the MIDI CC set. Why? This means that, when I play the Microfreak from my MX synth keyboard, the onboard controllers don't work as they aren't mapped to the odd CC set of the Microfreak. It also means that I can't easily do much with MIDI controllers from inside Cubase, either, which is a pain. >:( Can anyone suggest a workaround?

There should be a firmware update from Arturia which offers standard MIDI CC mapping as a default or an option. And Arturia needs to issue a complete MIDI implementation chart, not just the table of MIDI CCs showing their evil deed.


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