Hi everyone.
Just purchased a MB and I'm pretty happy with it.
I just wanted to know (information is kind of sparse for a synth this big and expensive...) if there is any possibility of making a MIDI dump of each preset so I can record it to a MIDI track alongside my DAW project.
That way, the preset would be loaded/played-back when the project is opened, and everything would be ready to go should a remix be needed (as in... pretty much any digital synth out there).
However, the only utility I found that seems to handle presets is the MIDI Control Center, which isn't that practical, not to mention the connection between device and computer is kind of a hit-or-miss sometimes...
One possible solution would be to create a new project in MCC every time there's a new song, give it the same song name, and deposit the used presets there, but it's a bit more fiddly...
Best regards,