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Author Topic: TAPE-201 problems  (Read 1793 times)


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TAPE-201 problems
« on: January 14, 2020, 06:13:33 pm »
Hi there, I am having some strange things going on with my TAPE-201 plug-in and as there is no sub-forum for this effect specifically I shall post here  :)

I am using this delay as a send effect on a track, raising the level over a few seconds to bring the tumbling echoes into the mix, then quickly fading down the original signal so as to leave the echo feeding back and trailing away - a classic dub technique we've all stolen at some point or another! However, for some reason the effect stops dead after a few seconds, and I cannot see why. I have no other automation on the track or the send channel. Yet, whenever I stop the playback after this has happened, the delay suddenly kicks in again from where it left off! It's as if a freeze-and-mute function is suddenly being applied until I hit the stop button! Surely with the intensity setting at or near maximum the repeats shouldn't just cut out like that? Very odd, any ideas anybody??


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Re: TAPE-201 problems
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2020, 07:48:23 pm »

With the 201 INTENSITY at max send the delay in self oscilation. And as you describe it, then that also seems to happen.

When you say "level", then do you mean the Send level from your track to the FX?

How are your settings for the 201s DRY/ WET? Keep in mind that this parameter and in example the ECHO AMOUNT does'nt do anything to the INTENSITY. 

I'm a bit puzzled by this:
the effect stops dead after a few seconds
This should not happen if you have that high INTENSITY setting you mention, unless you somehow turn down the echo signal after a few seconds. It does'nt do this for me.

Perhaps more info about your settings and what excactly you do are needed.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 07:50:18 pm by LBH »


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Re: TAPE-201 problems
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2020, 09:55:57 pm »

Yes, when I say Level I mean the send from the track to the FX.

The setting is a completely wet mix.

Yes, I am a bit puzzled by it as well, that is why I posted here!

As I say, I have checked all my automation settings and there is nothing that should be stopping the effect in its tracks. I tried swapping the Tape-201 with the Memory Brigade to see if anything similar happened and IT DID!

I tried re-installing all the Arturia delays but I got the same results. I tried turning off all the automation and tried the doing the same thing manually - soloing the track, turning up the FX send, turning the track down and listening to the delay on its own - and again, the effect just stops dead after a few seconds.

I created a new project, imported a few seconds of snare drum with no automation, set up the Tape-201 as a send and hit play. Once again the effect just stops dead after about 20 seconds at the most. And again, if I had stopped playback, when I start playback again, the echo continues suddenly, as if there had been no interruption - though again it stops after a few seconds. Very confusing!!


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Re: TAPE-201 problems
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2020, 10:44:41 pm »

Do you have something that send out a "All sounds off" message or something that turn off your soundcard, a bad USB connection or something like that? Can other sounds play while the sound from the 201 stops?
Do you have the same behavior with delays from other vendors than Arturia using the same plugin format?

Which plugin format, DAW and OS do you use?

I will think further about this.


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Re: TAPE-201 problems
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2020, 10:51:16 pm »
Hi again.

All the tracks continue to play normally when the delay stops. It is only the delay itself that stops. There are no MIDI instruments playing, just audio tracks. As I say, this happens with and without automation running, and has happened in a new project with no other tracks and no automation. No other delays I use are having this problem.

I am using the VST3 plugins in Cubase 8 Artist on Windows 10 Professional.

Thank you.


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Re: TAPE-201 problems
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2020, 11:01:18 pm »
Hi again,

can you please try iy out with the VST2 plugin to see if that make a difference for you?
I use the VST2 version.

EDIT: I have just tried the VST3 version, and it work for me in my DAW Studio One 3 professionel. Windows 10 version 1909.
I can't reproduce your issue.
It can be a DAW related issue.
Please keep in mind, that you allways can contact Arturia support through your account, if you need it. EDIT END
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 11:09:12 pm by LBH »


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