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Analog Lab V / Need to persist instrument type when browsing presets via midi
« Last post by siejeje on June 09, 2023, 12:36:15 pm »
In my session in Ableton I have several instrument types each on separate track, for example bass on track 1, keys on track 2, etc.
I want to go to next/previous preset via midi but only from a certain preset category. Currently it resets every time I reopen the session. In other words the chosen instrument type in Analog Lab's browser is not saved and it defaults to blank search with all instrument types.
I am not aware of a possibility to choose instrument category via midi what would be great.

Is there any workaround for this?
Arturia assured me in November 2022 that they were working on a firmware update to fix this. Yet nothing has happened and it has been about a year and a half since the last firmware release.

In the meantime they've launched a version of the Polybrute with a different paint job. Evidently their management prioritizes marketing over customer support.

I always get the impression their technical support team are sincere in their responses, and they seem to want to help, but where is this new firmware? And why does Arturia never respond to users on their forums?

I doubt that the the PolyBrute Noir took any time away from firmware development. As you say it's just a paint job, with someone else doing that, and it surely didn't take them long to specify black paint.

There is a new Arturia users forum now - this old one will become read-only in a little while:

Edit: I see you found the new forum 👍
Arturia assured me in November 2022 that they were working on a firmware update to fix this. Yet nothing has happened and it has been about a year and a half since the last firmware release.

In the meantime they've launched a version of the Polybrute with a different paint job. Evidently their management prioritizes marketing over customer support.

I always get the impression their technical support team are sincere in their responses, and they seem to want to help, but where is this new firmware? And why does Arturia never respond to users on their forums?
PolyBrute - Technical Issue / Re: No aftertouch when using PolyBrute Connect
« Last post by rrr123 on June 09, 2023, 07:56:33 am »
I was having this same problem in Ableton Live, and I found a workaround. I'm not familiar with Cubase but perhaps it will give you an idea. See my post on the new forum, here:

Basically I added an extra MIDI track, then routed the CC data from the Polybrute Connect track to the Polybrute via this extra MIDI track. This got the aftertouch to play back properly.
PolyBrute - Technical Issue / Re: Polybrute doesnt work with app and as vst
« Last post by rrr123 on June 09, 2023, 07:19:04 am »
Are your Polybrute's audio outputs properly connected, through the audio card, to an audio channel in your DAW?
Analog Laboratory / Re: Prevent my keyboard from controlling Analog lab
« Last post by andykarn on June 08, 2023, 09:06:07 pm »
Hm, ok, writing the problem out loud kind of helped me find a solution;
Instead of SOLOING tracks for each song I just ARMED tracks instead, which prevents changes on tracks that are not armed.
I'm pretty new to all this, as you can tell....
Analog Laboratory / Prevent my keyboard from controlling Analog lab
« Last post by andykarn on June 08, 2023, 05:51:42 pm »
Maybe an odd question, usually people can't get the link to work, but I want to break the link, preventing my sliders and knobs on my Keylab 88
to change the settings of the sound.
It's for a live performance, and I'm using Ableton Live. I have a few different songs set up in Ableton with different sounds from Analog Lab V.
When I change any of the sliders or knobs on my midi controller keyboard it changes ALL the different sounds in my project, not just the one I'm currently playing.
Perhaps I'm setting up my Ableton project in the wrong way for live performance? I've armed ALL the tracks and I link one pad on the midi controller to solo the instruments (tracks)
I'm using for that particular song. For example; pressing pad #2 on my Keylab 88 will solo 3 tracks - piano, synth pad and brass. Changing any sliders during song #2 will also affect the rest of the songs.
So when it's time for song #3, then the sounds for song #3 have changed character (cutoff/reverb/chorus etc)
Any idea on how to prevent this from happening? Once I've loaded a patch in Analog Lab and made some settings to it, I want to lock it and prevent it from changing.
Sci-Fi Soundbank for Pigments and Analog Lab V
Solar System: Moon Titan soundbank for Arturia Pigments and Analog Lab V synthesizers continues our Solar System series. In this preset pack there are 72 long synths inspired by contemporary soundtracks for sci-fi films.

Intro price 7€ until June 15th, 2023 (Normally 16€)

Presets walkthrough video:
Free Speech / Re: !!! We gather your suggestions for our new forum !!!
« Last post by Sand on June 08, 2023, 03:08:30 pm »
Hey, here is our new forum!!

Thank you everyone for your help and precious advices :-)

Here is the official topic :
Arturia is proud to announce the launch of its new forum!

Over the years, we've seen the platform grow, with the help of people like you, into a hub for exchanging tips, sharing sounds, and troubleshooting the technical stuff.

The new forum is a totally new platform, rebuilt from scratch with
   - a fresh design,
   - a more user-friendly structure,
   - better community moderation,
   - and more!
simply to make it easier and more enjoyable to use.

We hope you continue to use it to connect with Sound Explorers worldwide for many years to come - thanks!

Don’t worry - you can still access content from the legacy forum in the new menu. Please note, it will be made read-only on July 5th.
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