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As far as i can tell they are still working on it and excelated it upwards, my issue is still open.
EDIT: I just got word it will be adressed in a future LabV update.
KeyLab MkII - General Discussions / Re: Keylab 88 MKII - Bitwig Studio Support
« Last post by Onionhead on June 27, 2023, 03:53:31 am »
Arturia team - I'm re-visiting this old thread now that the Keylab Essential mk3 apparently has native Bitwig Studio support.
From the mk3 Essential overview page - "You’re in full control thanks to custom DAW scripts for Ableton Live, Logic Pro, FL Studio, Cubase, and Bitwig Studio, with support for more major DAWs planned in the future."

Assuming that it is possible, rre there any plans for a firmware update to the mkii series to include "native" Bitwig Studio support?
I would love to see that capability in my Keylab 61 and Keylab 88 mkiis!

Thanks in advance!
General Discussion on Origin / Re: Origin Firmware 1.4.1 (PRE-RELEASE 1)
« Last post by gridsleep on June 27, 2023, 01:01:45 am »
Thanks. The only link in the previous thread from 2012, I think, was 404.
General Discussion on Origin / Re: Origin Firmware 1.4.1 (PRE-RELEASE 1)
« Last post by DrJustice on June 26, 2023, 11:56:17 pm »
Whatever happened to this 1.4.1 release? Was it deemed unstable? All I can find is the update PDF document. The download section as you must be aware has only 1.3.5 as the latest.
1.4.1 is fine AFAIK. Here is the download:

Origin firmware v 1.4.1
Origin user manual update v 1.4.1

General Discussion on Origin / Re: Origin II
« Last post by gridsleep on June 26, 2023, 09:07:43 pm »
Too much too little too late. Having an original Origin is fine enough, while Arturia gearing up for a new a much more huge design on top of the metric tonne of hardware and software they are juggling these days would break even a large company. I would not be looking forward to a new Origin any time soon, any more than I would expect Sequential to release a new Poly Evolver with all twenty voices available. Yes, I would love to have one. No, it is not going to happen. Commentary having nothing to do with Arturia removed by request but not agreeably. 😜
General Discussion on Origin / Re: Origin Firmware 1.4.1 (PRE-RELEASE 1)
« Last post by gridsleep on June 26, 2023, 09:01:12 pm »
Whatever happened to this 1.4.1 release? Was it deemed unstable? All I can find is the update PDF document. The download section as you must be aware has only 1.3.5 as the latest.
And I hope that this will be solved with Keylab MK3.
With a new Analog Lab VI acting as Komplete Kontrol...
MatrixBrute - General discussions / Re: matrixbrute yellow keys and sticky knobs
« Last post by Bifop on June 24, 2023, 04:25:19 pm »
I did replace all knobs on my MatrixBrite and MicroBrute by aluminium knobs. Problem hopefully solved forever.
Black knobs 15mm x 15mm with white line: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4001038505129.html
Silver knobs 14mm x 16mm without marking: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005012705497.html
Plastic knobs for faders: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005422882686.html
Large silver knobs 24mm x 15mm without marking: https://www.conrad.de/de/p/mentor-508-61-508-61-drehknopf-aluminium-x-h-24-mm-x-15-mm-1-st-183743.html


Thanks you so much for the tip and links you provided.
The link for the 2 Big aluminium pot doesn't work if you live outside Gernany. I haven't bought the fader caps as I would like to find aluminium ones instead of plastic ones.
The Matrix is a thing of beauty now. 🤙
Something has stumped me. The KeyLab Essential doesn't seem to respond to SysEx messages to set up pads when this code must be working for the Mk1 and Mk2.
See the Java controller code here https://github.com/bitwig/bitwig-extensions/blob/api-18/src/main/java/com/bitwig/extensions/controllers/arturia/keylab/essential/ArturiaKeylabEssentialControllerExtension.java#L154C2-L183

From https://legacy-forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=90496.0
Sysex messages to re-configure pads to toggle/gate midi channel, colors, etc...

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 PARM CTRLID VALUE F7

I discovered that 00 is the Map Select.
1 = Analog Lab
2 = DAW
3 = User 1

so its

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 MAP PARM CTRLID VALUE F7

btw. Colors are not documented in the above link they work like this. This is really cool as the pad colours can reflect the clip launcher colours.

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 MAP 11 CTRLID RED F7
F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 MAP 12 CTRLID GREEN F7
F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 MAP 13 CTRLID BLUE F7

So if MAP=0 I think the change is immediate rather than storing to a map, and you don't need to sysex command set retrieve the map select (its not in the mk1 or mk2 code), e.g.

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 05 MAP F7

But really strangely this code is commented out for key lab essential. To hamper the essential?  or something else.
So, I uncommented the code but with MAP=0 these Sysex calls for KeyLab essential just don't work, they don't change anything.
So you can't switch gate/toggle mode or change color.
(just noticed the Keylab Mk3 controller scripts have been added in the last week or so so they are worth a look!)

Has anyone get deeper into this and understand the difference in sysex commands for different KeyLabs?
(My Keylab Essential firmware is 1.1.10 and was recently updated)
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