Arturia Forums

Hardware Instruments => DrumBrute Impact => DrumBrute Impact - Tips & Tricks => Topic started by: svmcwd on November 01, 2018, 03:44:06 am

Title: Giving the kick more presence
Post by: svmcwd on November 01, 2018, 03:44:06 am
Hi, I figure the rather dull attack of the kick keeps confusing others. Hence I'd like to suggest to just combine each Kick hit with a Cymbal or Hi-Hat hit, which will add a more natural sounding attack to the kick. In my opinion it's also much better sounding than combining it with the metronome click, which is rather harsh. I.e. set the Cymbal sound to its shortest decay and just copy the Kick pattern into the "Cym" pattern, then combine both to taste. Or do the same with the Hi-Hat. Seems to work pretty well.