Arturia Forums

Hardware Instruments => MatrixBrute => MatrixBrute - Feature requests => Topic started by: morrison23 on January 25, 2018, 04:50:41 am

Title: Send Pitchbend/Pitchwheel to pitch CV out
Post by: morrison23 on January 25, 2018, 04:50:41 am
Apologize if this has been posted before - I didn't see it anywhere.

I noticed that pitch wheel doesn't seem to send via pitch CV out.  Checked with Arturia support and they confirmed this is by design.

Am I the only one who thinks this is an odd choice?  Having the pitchbend/wheel send to cv out would make it a more fully featured controller!
Title: Re: Send Pitchbend/Pitchwheel to pitch CV out
Post by: MarkSteiner on January 26, 2018, 03:38:13 am
Apologize if this has been posted before - I didn't see it anywhere.

I noticed that pitch wheel doesn't seem to send via pitch CV out.  Checked with Arturia support and they confirmed this is by design.

Am I the only one who thinks this is an odd choice?  Having the pitchbend/wheel send to cv out would make it a more fully featured controller!

I soooo agree!  Actually, it's great that the glide does treat the CV out for pitch, but Pitch Bend would be so nice.  I think it would make it so ideal for controlling modular.  Already it's so great for that but this would really be a plus.