Arturia Forums

Hardware Instruments => MatrixBrute => MatrixBrute - General discussions => Topic started by: Bianco Zigar on July 18, 2017, 11:50:07 pm

Title: Midi In/Out of the whole Interface
Post by: Bianco Zigar on July 18, 2017, 11:50:07 pm
Hi Guys,

first entry here, and just got my MB on friday (FIRST ANALOG SYNTH F*** YEAH THIS THING IS AWESOME, THANKS ARTURIA!)

anyway, i was thinking about how i could control certain values externally via midi.

So i read the Manual, and found out that apperently every knob and fader sends/receives midi notes?!!?!

Is this true? So basically, i could either modulate much more parameters at the same time via my daw and max msp, then "just" the 4 changeable matrix columns?

And alternativly, i could create whole controll schemes for softsynths by using the matrixbrute interface?

The only thing i dont quite get, is the picture (on page 56) where some knobs and faders are green and some are blue. Is there a difference between the two?

Thanks in advance!

And thanks for the MB Arturia, Magnifique!


Title: Re: Midi In/Out of the whole Interface
Post by: DrJustice on July 19, 2017, 12:07:55 am
Congrats, Manuel - that's a pretty awesome first analogue synth! :)

Yes, you can control all of that from your DAW or any other source of MIDI CC (Continuous Controller).

The difference between the green and blue knobs in the manual is that the blue ones use 7 bits, so they give you a resolution of 128 steps, while the green ones use 14 bits and give you 16384 steps. The reason for the mix of 7 and 14 bit resolution is that there are only 32 parameters with 14 bit resolution available for this particular use of MIDI.

You can control whether the green knobs actually send and receive with 14 bits of resolution by using the "MIDI Control Center" software and setting "Enable 14 bit automation" to on. If set to off, the green knobs will use 7 bits.
Title: Re: Midi In/Out of the whole Interface
Post by: Bianco Zigar on July 19, 2017, 07:47:49 am
Ah ok, thanks for the informatione!

Wow this opens up a lot of possibilities.