Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => Beatstep Pro - General Discussions => Topic started by: David P Osborne on May 22, 2017, 08:17:23 pm

Title: Beatstep Pro and Microbrute
Post by: David P Osborne on May 22, 2017, 08:17:23 pm
I am pretty new to the world of synths having recently got a microbrute. This may therefore be a very obvious question. If the Beatstep Pro is connected by the three sequencer outputs for say Sequencer 1 (i.e. the pitch, gate, and velocity/vca) to microbrute and say a base line sequence is set up in the Beatstep Pro triggering the microbrute. Can one then play the microbrute from the keyboard over the sequence being triggered by the Beatstep Pro (i.e.while the sequence is playing).

Title: Re: Beatstep Pro and Microbrute
Post by: funkmaverick on May 24, 2017, 03:12:26 pm
As the MicroBrute is monophonic - meaning it can only play one note at a time - I am not sure there would be much point in trying to play a separate part on the keyboard as the synth engine would already be running at full capacity. When the MicroBrute's internal sequencer is playing, the keyboard can be used to change the key of the sequence. If you're running it from an external sequencer, playing the keyboard would disrupt the sequence - sometimes in a good way such as adding occasional variations, but sometimes in a bad way that won't sound right at all. It's one of those things you can try, though, without anything breaking. :-)
Title: Re: Beatstep Pro and Microbrute
Post by: Bernhard on August 22, 2018, 12:56:42 pm
If you're running it from an external sequencer, playing the keyboard would disrupt the sequence -

Do I understand it correctly that the MiniBrute/MicroBrute and the Beatstep Pro would work well together
for transposing sequences on the BSP... by setting Local Off on the M'Brute, and then sending note-info to the BSP by MIDI ?
