Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => Topic started by: AndrewBloom on December 01, 2016, 03:57:14 pm

Title: [SOLVED] BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: AndrewBloom on December 01, 2016, 03:57:14 pm
As per title, I chose different channels for the control mode, I got a step button lit in red that shows my selected channel (with the other three for other channels in 1, 2, 10) but on ableton live i can see the pads in control mode still send signals on channel 10. nothing is sent on the channel i choose.
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: Terrym on December 01, 2016, 04:04:48 pm
Hi, Are your all the controls in the mcc set to user or a midi channel ?  see screen shot.

Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: AndrewBloom on December 07, 2016, 01:54:14 am
Just had the chance to try... it was stuck on 10 and the MCC said user. After i changed the channel on first pad and sent the new settings to the device it started to work as expected. So I suppose that the default configuration for the pads is channel 10 when you buy the device and the default configuration for the software is user. So unless you recall from memory the settings there's a mismatch that is solved when you store the settings to the device the first time.
Anyway seems working correctly now, thanks for pointing me to the right direction.

Ps. When I wrote the post the first time while the pads were stuck on 10 the knobs were sending data on the channel chosen.
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: mantrak on February 08, 2017, 02:21:00 am
I tried this and it did not work. My pads in control mode are stuck on channel 10 big time. I tried loading, saving, changing user and individual channel, everything. This must be a known issue and at least Arturia should publish a workaround: What to do to change pads' midi channel in control mode when it becomes stuck on 10?
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: dog01 on February 08, 2017, 12:11:56 pm
Hi Mantrak

I had this problem the only way I fixed it was resetting the BSP to default through
then I sent a blank project to working project and it fixed my user midi channel and midi thru problems I had just be aware if you do this you lose every setting and sequencer and project so you will want to back it up before doing this best of luck.

regards Dog01       
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: mantrak on February 08, 2017, 01:01:55 pm
Hi, I just tried, did the reset procedure, but no luck. Same as before, drum pads in controller mode are stuck on channel 10 whatever I do.

For example, if I change the user channel to 16 the knobs will send on channel 16, but not the drum pads. If I use the ControllerMap page for an individual pad or knob, nothing happens, the knobs continue to transmit on the user channel (16), and pads continues to transmit on channel 10. 


Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: Terrym on February 08, 2017, 02:52:11 pm
Hi i,m going to check this but can you tell me your set up i.e.; how is the bsp set up to other equipment like a daw

Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: mantrak on February 08, 2017, 07:39:39 pm
Hi terrym, I am trying this with DAW (Logic), and without it. It all started while connected via iConnetMIDI4+ but I have tried direct MacMini connection and there was no change. I also tried changing CONTROL MODE channel directly from the BSP, no change, behaves the same. Running out of ideas.
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: Terrym on February 08, 2017, 10:59:12 pm
Just a Quick question Are your pads set to user for midi channel in controller map  . did you save the template and send it to the BSP. as control setting are not sent automatically .

Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: mantrak on February 11, 2017, 12:39:06 pm
Thanks terrym.

If I change any other such settings, I get it immediate result on the BSP, so I wonder why I would "save the template" and "send it to the BSP". Are not all changes hot?

I am also confused by the hover-on message on the "Recall From" button which says "This will also overwrite the working memory". Screen shot is attached.

I don't want to lose my sequences so I cannot experiment right now...
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: Terrym on February 11, 2017, 02:26:52 pm
Ok so first in controller map in the mcc these maps are not automatically saved to the bsp  you need to load them with a template but not the default 

you need to save your patterns as a template first then there you can change the control map to use with your template /patterns . once this is done you just load your template into one of the 16 memories. or the project your on (working memory)

Hope this helps

Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: mantrak on February 11, 2017, 06:58:42 pm
Terrym thank you it helped. I sorted my channels now by loading (Recall From) the project to MCC, adjusting Controller Map parameters and sending back the project to the device (Store To).

EDITED 19:15

However, the whole thing IS puzzling. The manual and the people in general refer to the "working memory" and 16 memories, whereas there are only Projects! I even do not have "Working Project" item on the list, only Projects 1 to 16.

After seeing some older videos I suspect there was a change, some time ago "Memories" have been renamed to "Projects". Still there is something called "working memory" and I don't know what it is. As I said, there is no "Working Project" item on my Device Projects list. Was it abandoned in the latest version? Puzzling.

Also the manual talks about Global Parameters, shows them as a separate column on the main view. My MCC calls that Device Settings in a separate tab. Obviously there have been same changes and the manual does not follow them.

Not a mark of high quality, I would say.

Anyway, thanx a lot for the help!
Title: Re: BUG - choosing midi channel for control mode doesn't work
Post by: sealion on February 13, 2017, 03:38:59 am
It does need some improvement.  Took me a while to figure out my drum pads are in device setting not DRUM, and drum pads are shown in Controller, but those settings are not about sending drum notes.  Also no graphic for the drum pads so it took a while to figure out pads 1-8 are the bottom row and 9-16 left to right are the top row.  A graphic would make that a none issue, click and change, the way knobs are done in controller.  Unlike my social entropy engine I need a computer to change pas assignments.  I figured this all out trying to get it mapped to my drumbrute, which seems to be done automatically by selecting chromatic which starts at 36 but the drumbrute's Zap being 52 does not fit as I am out of pads (unless I swap out another sound).