Arturia Forums
V Collection - Legacy versions => Modular V => Modular V Users Community => Topic started by: Tausendberg on May 22, 2016, 03:06:53 am
One thing that I always did with Modular V2 was, because one of my monitors are vertically oriented (1200 x 1920), I would completely vertically expand the synth because I really liked having the entire synth on screen at once.
I would like the same with Modular V3. Is there any way to do that?
If there isn't then Arturia, please bring back the option to fully extend the window.
Seriously Arturia, for more than 11 years Modular V was able to have the window extended as much as the user likes and then after 11 years you just take that option away, why?
I see that the prophet v3 has a little tab for changing the length of the window while the modular doesn't.
Is there some roundabout way to turn it on for the modular?
I was hoping someone with a bit more programming chops than me could help...
So, I found that a lot of the interface settings are stored in Modular V3_gui.xml and I found some values that looked like the right track, ( <double name="LARGE_HEIGHT" value="2289"/> and <double name="BROWSER_HEIGHT" value="2289"/> <!-- SAME AS LARGE_HEIGHT ! --> ) but the problem is that if I alter these values to anything else besides 2289 then I get severe glitches so I have a feeling that I'm not adjusting something else but I don't quite know how to look through it.
Can someone from Arturia just tell me which values to adjust in order to make the browser longer? That's all I want, I like to see the whole modular on screen at one time, that's not too much to ask I hope.