Arturia Forums

Arturia Software Center (ASC) => Technical Issues => Topic started by: padbury on March 13, 2016, 12:53:44 pm

Title: Mapping control from external hardware to vst plugin not working - why not?
Post by: padbury on March 13, 2016, 12:53:44 pm
Hi, I am trying and failing to use my beat step pro in controller mode to modify the parameters of Arturia virtual instrument in vst mode within Ableton live.  No matter what I try, the mapping does not occur. It's like there is a firewall between the beat step pro and the Arturia vst virtual instrument.

I'm pretty good with Ableton midi input output settings & control of arturia hardware, but this problem has me stumped.

Is anyone out there successfully mapping an external hardware's knobs & buttons to a vst plugin inside Ableton.

If so, how are you achieving success, I would love to know.