Arturia Forums

V Collection - Legacy versions => Analog Lab => Analog Lab Technical Issues => Topic started by: actionwood11 on December 11, 2015, 12:34:41 am

Title: analog lab activation failure
Post by: actionwood11 on December 11, 2015, 12:34:41 am
Hello and thank you in advance for any insight with my activation issue.

I purchased the Keylab49 midi controller and included Analog Lab software.

I have registered my product and am able to view its info when I view the My Arturia page.

Upon launching Analog Lab, I am prompted to activate.  I then login.  Analog Lab is listed as a demo version, perhaps this is by design until I activate it.

When I choose to activate, I receive the message "Licenses activation failed"

I have opened a case with support and have been instructed to deactivate analog lab (which I thought was strange because I never successfully activated and explained that clearly).

When I chose to deactivate as instructed, I receive the message "Licenses deactivation failed"

When I responded to support letting them know the outcome of their request, they responded that my deactivation must have worked because they don't see it activated under my account.....the whole issue in the first place!

I have been patient and cordial with support but I am afraid that I may not be getting anywhere with them and I respectfully am asking anyone for any insight on the forums.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, no luck, I have disabled AV, no luck.

Thank you again for any help
Title: Re: analog lab activation failure
Post by: actionwood11 on December 12, 2015, 04:12:18 am
The resolution for this was to uninstall ASC and reinstalling then following the regular activation procedure.