Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => BeatStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: littlebenlittle on October 17, 2015, 05:53:48 pm

Title: [SOLVED]BSP and FL Studio (very new user here)
Post by: littlebenlittle on October 17, 2015, 05:53:48 pm
Hello, I'm extremely new to writing digital music in general, so please excuse my misuse of terminology. My ultimate goal in getting the BSP was to use it as a drum sequencer primarily, but also as a midi controller capable of toggling chords on off in step with the beat. I'm having a few issues with this:

1. I can't get FL studio and BSP to agree on midi channels. I would like each sequencer to work with a certain VST. Such as seq1 and seq2 each running to their own synth emulators and drum running to a drum machine plugin. Right now, all the channels just run into whichever VST I have "active."

2. I would like the BSP to be able to change presets after the current sequence reaches the end of the loop, not just jump straight into the next sequence at the current step. Is this even possible?

3. Alternatively to 2, is it possible to set the BSP to change presets automatically once one finishes playing through to the end of the loop?
Title: Re: BSP and FL Studio (very new user here)
Post by: mohitmilan on May 24, 2017, 03:28:26 am
Hi there, were you able to find a solution to this problem? I got one as a gift and have the exact problem as you!


Title: Re: BSP and FL Studio (very new user here)
Post by: megamarkd on May 24, 2017, 05:20:27 am
Sounds like something you need to work out in FL Studio.  I messed around with controlling instruments in FL Studio with a Bass Station II the other week when my cousin bought one.  We didn't get much further than yourself.  I left it with my cousin to work out as he's the FL Studio user, not me, heheh.  There must be a way to do it, but it's more a question for FL Studio forums than here as I'm sure it's something all FL Studio users need to work out, not just BSP owners.
Title: Re: BSP and FL Studio (very new user here)
Post by: I grec on July 05, 2017, 02:28:12 pm
Hi littlebenlittle,
1. I can't get FL studio and BSP to agree on midi channels. I would like each sequencer to work with a certain VST. Such as seq1 and seq2 each running to their own synth emulators and drum running to a drum machine plugin. Right now, all the channels just run into whichever VST I have "active."
I think this is an issue due to FL.

I would like the BSP to be able to change presets after the current sequence reaches the end of the loop, not just jump straight into the next sequence at the current step. Is this even possible?
-> You need "Wait to load pattern" to be "On". (SHIFT + STEP14 in "CONTROL MODE" or via the MCC)

Alternatively to 2, is it possible to set the BSP to change presets automatically once one finishes playing through to the end of the loop?
You need to create a chain. You can even save it as a scene.
