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Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => BeatStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 02:40:49 am

Title: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 02:40:49 am
I tried several times, and the MCC showed the progress bar of sending to the BSP, but the pads still don't send the notes I'd entered into MCC.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Valentin Arturia on August 19, 2015, 09:26:29 am
Try to be synced and change the value directly on the Controller Map (without loading a project).
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 02:42:40 pm
So the proper steps would be-
1) Press the sync button
2) edit the values
3) quit MCC
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Steinberger on August 19, 2015, 02:50:17 pm
Hmmmm, that doesn't sound right. I highlight the active memory and click Send To. That sends the device settings on the right side bar along with it.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 03:28:58 pm
That sounds like what I've been doing. I don't think I was highlighting anything, but in the menu you are able to specify which location you are sending to.
 Though there is something in the manual, or maybe the MCC's online help, that suggests that changes made in the software are live.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Steinberger on August 19, 2015, 04:08:30 pm
You're right. I think I mentally worked around this initially thinking I wasn't doing it correctly. I've actually been sending to working memory and then memory 1 to make it stick. The indicator indicates it's sending device settings to the BSP but they don't stick.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: RichMakeGame on August 19, 2015, 04:55:10 pm
I just did it several times and eventually it worked..
and- every time I plug in, the config area shows the default values but if I don't change any then the mapping sticks
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 06:08:57 pm
@RichMakeGame- are you sending to a particular location on the BSP (or at all), or simply syncing and making changes in the MCC?

@Steinberger- so you are sending it to the working memory, and then saving that, on the BSP itself, to one of the projects?

I've had the thing for a while now, but have only used Seq 1 and 2 until now. The General MIDI  drum mapping doesn't seem very usable unless everything you want is in that specific range of 16 notes, and I guess we can't shift octaves like we can with the melodic sequencers.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Steinberger on August 19, 2015, 07:11:30 pm
I'm sending to twice. First highlight working memory click send to. Next highlight memory 1 then click send to.

Drum Mapping. Yeah as far as MIDI goes it's always going to need a little setup. I've posted some on the oddity that is the drum sequencer. Nick Batt on Sonic State is right. Each drum pad mapping needs a MIDI channel column too. That way it will play with all the rhythm modules not just half of them.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 07:28:34 pm
Thanks, I'll try it that way.

With my gear, the single MIDI channel is not a problem, but sounds like a show stopper for many.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: RichMakeGame on August 19, 2015, 08:29:44 pm
as far as changing the settings, just plugging it in, making sure its registered as connected in the drop down list, and changing settings. I though sync was mainly for pattern data and stuff
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 19, 2015, 08:40:23 pm
I'd thought sync was meant to update the software to the state of the hardware at the time. Not sure why there's both sync, and receive though.

So you aren't syncing OR sending, only making changes in the software?

   I've worked with plenty of hardware editors before, this one seems especially obtuse, or else I am...
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: Zymos on August 20, 2015, 04:41:16 am
Worked it out. Changes in the software are live, then in the hardware,just save the working memory to a project slot.
Title: Re: Do custom drum maps work for anyone else?
Post by: RichMakeGame on August 20, 2015, 01:47:19 pm
I just now changed my mappings by plugging in and changing, worked for all but 4 pads which decided to keep their old mapping. Its weird