Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => BeatStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: maddyman on August 14, 2015, 04:57:35 pm
as I have problems to record different notes on sequence 1 using the midi in connected to an external midi-keyboard I want - after I checked the midi control center various times - to make a total reset.
Means a delivery standart. With no stored encoder commands (like they are after I load the Default from the mmc, I stored the encoders in MCU mode to various commands.
Is there any key command to get this total factory recall?
Have you tried saving one of your unused projects to your first project space
Hi Terrym,
yes - I tried - but the seq.1 ignores all different played tones and repeats the recorded notes all with the same value of hight.
Is there a possibility to clean up all internal stored commands, means - like exlpained before - to load the initial factory delivery standard ?
I had a similar issue some days ago
This was my solution.
If you did not save the default setup on your computer,
reinstall the Control Center - Save the default setup on your computer - then Sync your BeatstepPro
Hi -
I did it.
Reinstalled the MCC and the BSP should be like delivered.
But still the same problem.
Does Teerym find a solution or should I call the support?
Hi , I'm not sure what you mean but are you talking about the control mode that you want to set these to default. if so have you tried drag and drop of a default control map to your project then saving in the mcc then store to project of the bsp. and then save on the bsp to project?
Hi Terrym,
no, I am NOT talking about the control mode!
Using the sequence 1 mode on channel 1, plugged a midi jack in the midi in port, connected to an ext. midi keyboard (while the usb connection goes to the daw) and then trying to record a melodic sequense (instaed of using the pads I am using the ext. midi keyboard) - that does not work ! Result : the recorded notes in the bsp are played back on one and the same note, means: if the latest note I played in the melodic sequence to be recorded, was a "F3" the whole replayed seqence of the bsp is on F3.
This happens only on Seq.1
When using Sequence 2 (on channel 2) everything works fine.
In the early days when I had the bsp just some days everything worked fine with the Seq.1 too.
So now I thought that I wrongly detuned some adjustments, so I tried to get the first factory standart. So I did today but it still remain the same.
So the last idea I have that the device has a damage.
Hi , i found the solution in the mcc put seq trans input channel to all . this resolved the problem for me
Terrym - d'accord :-)
Thx a lot - you make my day