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Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => BeatStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: maddyman on August 14, 2015, 04:57:35 pm

Title: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: maddyman on August 14, 2015, 04:57:35 pm
as I have problems to record different notes on sequence 1 using the midi in connected to an external midi-keyboard I want - after I checked the midi control center various times - to make a total reset.
Means a delivery standart. With no stored encoder commands (like they are after I load the Default from the mmc, I stored the encoders in MCU mode to various commands.

Is there any key command to get this total factory recall?
Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: Terrym on August 14, 2015, 05:23:25 pm
Have you tried saving one of your unused projects to your first project space

Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: maddyman on August 14, 2015, 06:28:18 pm
Hi Terrym,
yes - I tried - but the seq.1 ignores all different played tones and repeats the recorded notes all with the same value of hight.
Is there a possibility to clean up all internal stored commands, means - like exlpained before - to load the initial factory delivery standard ?
Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: Sabatini on August 14, 2015, 11:42:43 pm
I had a similar issue some days ago

This was my solution.

If you did not save the default setup on your computer,
reinstall the Control Center - Save the default setup on your computer - then Sync your BeatstepPro

Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: maddyman on August 15, 2015, 01:54:31 pm
Hi -
I did it.
Reinstalled the MCC and the BSP should be like delivered.
But still the same problem.
Does Teerym find a solution or should I call the support?
Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: Terrym on August 15, 2015, 04:34:07 pm
Hi , I'm not sure what you mean but are you talking about the control mode that you want to set these to default. if so have you tried drag and drop of a default control map to your project then saving in the mcc then store to project of the bsp. and then save on the bsp to project?


Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: maddyman on August 15, 2015, 05:42:44 pm
Hi Terrym,
no, I am NOT talking about the control mode!
Using the sequence 1 mode on channel 1, plugged a midi jack in the midi in port, connected to an ext. midi keyboard (while the usb connection goes to the daw) and then trying to record a melodic sequense (instaed of using the pads I am using the ext. midi keyboard)  - that does not work ! Result : the recorded notes in the bsp are played back on one and the same note, means: if the latest note I played in the melodic sequence to be recorded, was a "F3" the whole replayed seqence of the bsp is on F3.

This happens only on Seq.1
When using Sequence 2 (on channel 2) everything works fine.

In the early days when I had the bsp just some days everything worked fine with the Seq.1 too.
So now I thought that I wrongly detuned some adjustments, so I tried to get the first factory standart. So I did today but it still remain the same.

So the last idea I have that the device has a damage.
Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: Terrym on August 15, 2015, 06:05:35 pm
Hi , i found the solution in the mcc put seq trans input channel to all . this resolved the problem for me


Title: Re: Who knows how to reach an absolute factory default
Post by: maddyman on August 15, 2015, 07:51:56 pm
Terrym - d'accord :-)
Thx a lot - you make my day