Arturia Forums

Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => Beatstep Pro - General Discussions => Topic started by: tommyecho on July 27, 2015, 03:42:35 am

Title: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: tommyecho on July 27, 2015, 03:42:35 am
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post in the forums.  I've had my Beatstep Pro for a week, and I really like it.  I'm basically justusing it to control my eurorack modular, and it's been great!

There a couple of things that I hope will be updated soon.  The most important one is the way by which the patterns switch from one to the next.  Right now, there is no way to switch at the end of one pattern and make it start at the beginning of another pattern,say in the next bar.

For example: Pattern 4 is 48 steps, and pattern 3 is 64 steps.  I want to switch from pattern 4 back to pattern 3, but when I try to make this happen right at the end of pattern 4, it continues with the final 8 steps of pattern 3, instead of starting from the beginning.  This makes it so that all of my patterns need to be either the same length, or they need to start with the same material, so that I can switch after the loop rather than right at the end of the loop. 

I hope this isn't just confusing to read. . .   It's a big problem for what I'm trying to do with the BSP.

Thanks for any help!
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: Clem Snide on August 06, 2015, 10:36:58 pm
Yeah this same problem has left me a little stunned...anyone have any workaround for this? Possible updated feature?
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: atte on August 07, 2015, 10:14:36 am
+1 for a "finish pattern before switch" feture. Most needed feature IMHO
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: ArguZ on August 11, 2015, 09:49:57 am
Without this i can not use it for anything live.
This is seriously important to have.
Think of a 303 style pattern , you absolutely need the loop to run perfectly fine 200 times in a row.
The slight nuances in each pattern make it alive.
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: sequentialx on August 12, 2015, 06:59:32 pm
We need a "wait until end of pattern" switching behaviour.

This is an ESSENTIAL update IMO. It's the highest voted request on the Facebook page.

Thats said I've really enjoyed "dropping in" on other sequences, it's a cool feature for real-time (re)composition.

So keep both behaviours available with a switch.

I'm sure it's done and working somewhere in an Arturia lab, right guys?  ;)
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: k.rad on August 27, 2015, 06:31:07 pm
+1 for a "finish pattern before switch" feture. Most needed feature IMHO

+1 here -
minibrute and as well microbrute have this feature implemented in their connection software, hopefully BSP gets it too.
Live usability of the BSP would be much better!
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: The Lurcher on September 08, 2015, 11:08:40 pm
I am quite amazed by the lack of this function in the sequencers.  As others have said it makes playing live almost impossible (unless you use the same sequence for a whole song) and is a pain in the studio.
I really hope this will be updated soon.  Would really like to be able to queue sequences too or even a full 'song' mode where you can program the sequences to run in an order you want and to run each sequence as many times as you like.
Would make do with the changing to the next sequence once run through the current sequence tho. The option to do both would be best.
Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: kfrm on September 12, 2015, 12:33:20 am
a way to set desired pattern change behaviour would be great, but also be able to set when a pattern will be restarted/reset, both like on the octatrack

in example, you could set that a pattern changes - instant (current behaviour), end of bar, next 1/4 note, etc, and end of pattern (tricky/fun with odd pattern lengths)

then you should also be able to set pattern reset to some number of bars - restarting patterns with odd step length to step 1 - and also INF = no reset ..

Title: Re: Problem with switching between sequencer patterns
Post by: megamarkd on September 12, 2015, 06:22:21 am
The ability to have it wait until the last step before switching sequence is a much needed function, I agree, but I would like to highlight how fills are really easy to do with the switching behaviour as it is now, albeit requiring the user to 'ride' the pattern select to do well.