Arturia Forums
Hardware Sequencers => BeatStep Pro => BeatStep Pro - Technical Issues => Topic started by: maddyman on July 22, 2015, 08:14:08 pm
Since the BSP is shipped and delivered more and more requests are posted - even cause of potential bugs as well as for really advisable suggestions -
My wish for you great guys at ARTURIA - and I think all of the fellows agree - is:
Create and post a list of what is supposed to be changed or added in the next firmware. And keep it actual.
Wouldn't this be gread - like a data bank where everybody can quickly can find out if his/her personal matter is listed an will be solved in (nearer) future.
Dont't you agree?
+1 :-*
+1 :)
Known bugs + features which are being planned (bitwig is a good example:
I can understand why companies might not want to talk about future features (because they might turn out to unworkable, then everyone is like "but you promised!!!")-
- but a list of known bugs, and features that are actually described in the manual but don't yet work- definitely!
You went full Buzfeed on that title
Maybe limit it to bug fixes. A wish list is different than features that were promised to ship and don't work out of the box.
I would take it one step further. We should make a list of unacceptable bugs and set a date that we will all return out BSP if the issues aren't addressed.
Wow, always surprised at how self-entitled people are at this forum. It is just a product, not heart-surgery.
Asking Arturia to post a road map for a device is self-entitled?
Asking Arturia to post a road map for a device is self-entitled?
nope, but the thread title kinda is ;)
Maybe limit it to bug fixes. A wish list is different than features that were promised to ship and don't work out of the box.
I would take it one step further. We should make a list of unacceptable bugs and set a date that we will all return out BSP if the issues aren't addressed.
Or we could show a bit of understanding and gratitude to how hard they've already worked.. Of course we'd like fixes to any bugs but i'm not going to try threaten them, especially since theyre probably already working on it
I'm not finding the BSP especially buggy, but in general, expecting advertised features to work as promised is a customer's right, nothing entitled about it.
And if I pay 250 bucks for something, and a feature that was important to me is not working correctly, then I'm sure as hell going to complain about it, and if it doesn't seem likely to be fixed, return it.
I don't get this attitude that we should owe a company our gratitude when we are paying for their product...
I'm talking about the workers of the company who are probably the ones reading the forums, i doubt the software engineers chose the release date or were happy about releasing with any unfinished features or bugs
I haven't seen anything to indicate they won't address these. If nothings changed by a few
months down the line i might start to feel annoyed but give them a chance
I think a potential issue for some might be a 30 day return window.
They had a new OS out between the time these left the factory and anyone had even received theirs, so obviously they knew of a few urgent fixes to be made, and they made them.
I'm pretty satisfied with mine, and am confident that they'll fix the couple of features that are in the docs but not yet implemented. As far as wish lists, I'll be happy for whatever bonuses they want to throw in....