Arturia Forums

Controllers => MIDI Control Center => Topic started by: blizt on May 01, 2015, 07:32:04 pm

Title: Sync button not working?
Post by: blizt on May 01, 2015, 07:32:04 pm

I've been having troubles to get the Beatstep sync with Logic lately. It had been always working ok but it seems that today it just stopped working.

I have everything set up in Logic as it should but no matter what the Beatstep won't start sequencing when in "ext sync" mode when Logic runs.

I have noticed that the sync butting in the MIDI CONTROL CENTER is grey and I can't press it anymore. I've tried uninstalling and installing the MCC but still it does not work. I already upgraded the firmware version 5 or 6 months ago.

Please help!!
Title: Re: Sync button not working?
Post by: blizt on May 01, 2015, 08:19:34 pm

It happens I had changed the USB cable to use a longer on and it's not USB 2.0. Doh.
Title: Re: Sync button not working?
Post by: ShoveCoupler on May 27, 2016, 04:26:37 pm
thanks for that, just done the same thing!