Arturia Forums
V Collection - Legacy versions => Jupiter-8V => Jupiter-8V Technical Issues => Topic started by: Stick on January 05, 2015, 09:36:00 pm
Crash and No Support[/size]Yosemite 10.10.1 (14B25)Standalone Crash Log attached
Also crashes Logic X upon startup
Hi Stick,
Could you please explain a bit more what is your problem ?
Did it ever worked ?
What is your current ASC version ?
Did you try with ASC version 1.0.3 ?
Did you try to reinstall the Jupiter ?
Is it crashing right after you launch the App in standalone ?
What is your support ticket number ?
I've tried everything - the latest versions. Everything crashes upon startup with the exception of ASC.
This occurs in my iMAc
195006 ( ticket
I've look at your case.
You are talking about an ASC problem.
Is it still not working ?
Do you manage to open and authorize your Jupiter with the ASC ?
If the Jupiter crash on start up please give us the crash log.
We won't be able to help you if you don't give us more infos sorry.
Read this post!
Crash report and all info included in above posts.
BTW, Jupiter and the others I tried were obviously installed and authorized finally with ASC,
but they never opened on my iMac with latest Yosemite. Always crash as standalone and also crash with Logic X.
Ok sorry i didn't see the crash log.
Could you try with the latest ArturiaSoftwareCenter ? 1.0.5...
The ASC 1.05 was installed and again, the issue is not with the ASC, it's with ANY one of the V Collection plugin's.
Attached is a new crash report with 1.05
and here's one with an Ober
Hi Stick,
We have been updating some of our plugins today.
Could you please try this :
Then install updated plugins and run logicX again.
I hope this will help !