Arturia Forums
Harware Legacy versions => Analog Laboratory => Analog Laboratory Technical Issues => Topic started by: cdduarte on February 29, 2012, 04:49:03 am
Hei guys. First of all congrats on another great product.
Im trying to use the Laboratory 49 on FL Studio... I've sucessfully assigned most of the keys (btw, I've seen a tip here... here's a better tip: use "Override generic links" for permanent assignment, instead of "Link Controller")
My problem is with the Scene Mode. As you know, theres the Upper Filter and the Lower Filter etc, and I'm having problems assigning those separately.
I've tried midi channel 2 with omni mode on/off for the Lower. Nothing seems to work.
When I set Upper Filter for CC 10 (example) and then set the Lower Filter for CC 10 midi 2, it overrides the first setting. Also, when selecting "Lower mod" the keyboard should probably change output to midi 2 no?
Am I doing something wrong? Any tips? Thanks
Hy There!
A just received the 61 Edition and i have a couple of problems. I cannot use the transport buttons to play, stop, record in Fl Studio.
Can you help me with this please?
I didn't find any Fl Studio users in this forum.
Thank you!
Here are some helpful Solutions! ( working in most DAWs. (Not only in Live)
But if you try to use the lower channel on one track (f.e. Channel 1) and the upper on another track (f.e. Channel 2) you won't be able to assigne the knobs and faders to both channels switching by pressing "Upper"/"Lower" on the keyboard.
But you could try to store two MIDI setups via "Setup", "Store"/"Recall" (00 is default, so store your setups on 01-10)
Try this settings:
Setup | Lower keys | Upper keys | Knobs/Faders/Buttons |
01 | Channel1 | Channel2 | Channel1 |
02 | Channel1 | Channel2 | Channel2 |
This should fix your problem as I understood right. ;)
Don't forget to applaud for me if these tips were helpful for you! ;)
Try the settings I described in the Solutions! ( As I said before, these settings should work in most DAWs not only in Live.
Best Regards
Don't forget to applaud for me if these tips were helpful for you! ;)
Check this knowledge base entry (, too!