Arturia Forums

Harware Legacy versions => Analog Laboratory => Analog Laboratory Technical Issues => Topic started by: Lotusx42 on December 24, 2011, 09:42:48 am

Title: Lab (and SEM) Loops & Sequences in Ableton Live
Post by: Lotusx42 on December 24, 2011, 09:42:48 am
Starting to get to grips will pulling things together, however when I record automated drum loops and sequences from Scene mode (and also arp's from SEM) into Live, while they record fine, they don't stop when the playback is stopped - almost like there is no "note off" command being sent.

The only way to stop playback is to delete the scenes from Live and start again.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Lab (and SEM) Loops & Sequences in Ableton Live
Post by: Manuel on March 21, 2012, 03:49:28 pm
Hallo Greg,

I think you should try to change the settings for the pads from "loop" (Pad 1-3) to "gate" (like Pad 4) or better to "trigger". Or you have to set a "stop-note" so that the "loop" knows when it should stop.

I can't say much about the SEM right know but this should work for the pads.

Here you'll find some Solutions! ( working in most DAWs.

Don't forget to applaud for me if these tips were helpful for you!   ;)

Best regards

Title: Re: Lab (and SEM) Loops & Sequences in Ableton Live
Post by: Manuel on March 23, 2012, 12:30:49 pm
Hi Greg,

The Oberheim SEM V beta ( should fix this issue. If not, have a look at this thread ( or contact Tech Support (